Monday, January 23, 2012

Choosing An Animal Waste Removal Company

We all know that animal poo is gross and stinky, but did you know that it can be bad for you too? There are a number of diseases and illnesses that center themselves on the droppings of wild animals that seem to just appear in our attic. Thankfully, all of this can be prevented by getting a professional company to come and remove this waste.

Obviously, standing animal waste is going to tarnish your surfaces and lead to serious germs in your spaces. Most people who have animal waste problems are attempting to battle the devastating effects of raccoon urine, pigeon poop, or bat guano. The soft padding of home insulation is completely ruined when it is exposed to this amount and kind of toxic material.

Animal excrement or any fecal matter is very infectious (some contain parasites) and cause a substantial risk of illness if not handled appropriately. Along with the complicated task of eliminating animal wastes, the strong overwhelming odor may also be associated with feces. The waste that you can actually find around your house is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Some people get upset with the animals, but they are just performing their natural bodily functions - admittedly, ruining your home in the process. Most animals leave behind a great deal of bio hazardous waste in the form of urine, hair, oils, droppings and other excretions. Nobody wants a toxic, foul-smelling build up like this in their homes.

By means of a visual inspection you can gauge the full extent of the problem, and hopefully eradicate the animals responsible. Remember that having cleared the waste and animals is only half the job - next you need to start fixing what they broke. In most cases, attic clean-up should be done on the mess that animals leave behind.

If you have had an animal occupant for some time you are probably in a bit of trouble. The process of chasing the animals away and doing repairs is then followed by a clean-up of the toxic material itself. The waste itself is taken care of and your home is disinfected, sprayed with an attractive scent, and re-insulated.

These cleaning processes are very thorough, as they aim to get rid of any visible signs of excrement, fix the insulation in the affected area, and disinfect the area. The problem with insulation is that it is made up of absorbent material which acts like a sponge for animal pee, causing immense damage and prompting the need for complete treatment. The clean-up process ends with a complete deodorizing treatment to get rid of all odors.

These companies normally deal with squirrel infestation too. Squirrels can also cause damage to property as this animal chews on almost anything. Plants, furniture, and doors - nothing is safe.

People refuse to acknowledge how harmful these guys can be. Squirrels usually present fire hazards when they build nests in vents, exhaust fans and by chewing wires. Squirrels are resilient and cunning, so you need to contact a professional who has the right tools to deal with the situation.

If you are investigating animal waste removal companies, check that they have national certification. A lot of companies claim that they can handle your needs, but it is quite a rare skill. In a lot of cases, the background of a company is all you have to go on.

Want to know more about Attic Cleanup, hit the link and you'll be helped.